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My name is Naim Jabbour. I'm an Assistant Professor of architecture at Penn College, an affiliate of Penn State. I'm an educator, a researcher, an environmentalist, and most importantly a passionate designer/architect.

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I earned my Bachelor of Architecture degree from Louisiana State University, followed by two master’s degrees: a  Master of Science in Architecture from Carnegie Mellon University and Master of Liberal Arts in Sustainability from Harvard University. I've also earned several post-graduate sustainability certificates from Harvard University. I'm currently a Doctor of Design (DDes) in architecture candidate at Carnegie Mellon University. On the professional side, my tenure encompassed an eight-year position as a project designer/executive at PBK, a top tier national design firm located in Houston Texas. I've also served as a National Chair at the Center for Green Schools within the US Green Building Council. I practice architecture in my home country of Lebanon. I'm also a LEED accredited professional and an Associate AIA. I enjoy traveling and exploring history, art, architecture, and urbanism!

I have a passionate belief that great design can enhance lives in multiple ways. I believe that architecture is a process that creates, molds, and shapes our world. I'm interested in architecture that adopts a restorative, symbiotic, and regenerative approach. My ultimate goal is the advancement of sustainable architecture: a process that entails promoting high performance buildings that are well integrated, energy efficient, and highly resilient. I'm constantly striving to promote architecture that is equally articulated by both tectonics and environment. As professionals, we need to strive towards a pragmatic utopian architecture that promotes socially, economically, and environmentally practical and meaningful places...

Dr. Jabbour’s research provides validated solutions and an online framework to equip Lebanese households with resiliency and immunity from current and potential crises. His proposed bottom up approach for achieving residential nZEB responds to critical environmental justice and social equity challenges faced by the Lebanese people and offers households autonomy and improved financial stability.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) - Lebanon

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